
Does Klavierwunsch also purchase instruments?
Klavierwunsch is a pure internet presence, which has made it its goal to give a web presence to qualitatively demanding experts. Since these humans invest a lot of time and work into your instruments, less time remains for them to worry about the Internet.
You are welcome to offer your instrument for sale to a piano dealer. The dealer will inspect your instrument and then technically overhaul it before offering it again. He can also arrange transport for you.
I would like to advertise privately at klavierwunsch.
This is unfortunately not possible. However, you are welcome to contact a piano dealer who sells your instrument on commission for you and thus advertises your piano or grand piano here.
Can Klavierwunsch estimate the value of my instrument?
The value of a used instrument is mainly determined by its state of preservation. Since each piano consists of at least 8,000 parts, only an expert on site can estimate the real price range. Without exception, you can order an expert opinion with value determination from any piano dealer. All our dealers are valued experts in the industry and specialize in the subject of pianos and grand pianos.